About project

  • Name of the project: Use of the fragments of nature in the former industrial-used areas and in the rural areas
  • Acronym: Fragments of nature
  • Projekt ID number: SKHU/1601/1.1/227
  • Dates of realization: 01.12.2017 – 30.11.2018
  • Project budget: 406 783,52 EUR
  • EFRD contribution: 345 765,98 EUR



The focus of the project

The project aimed at highlighting the natural heritage that is an organic part of the lives of the inhabitants of two municipalities - Municipality of Velké Úľany and Municipaltity of Jánossomorja. Both municipalities are located in the Slovak-Hungarian border area. The natural heritage of both municipalities is significantly influenced by human activity. In the case of the town of Veľké Úľany it is a forest park with riding complex, which is used for riding events and in its vicinity is a functioning gravel pit located, where gravel production takes place. In the case of the city of Jánossomorja subject of this project is a park located in the city center on St. Stephen Street. It is a park that was built at the site of a former pit, where clay was mined to produce bricks. Both natural structures are therefore part of the urban areas in which industrial activity was done, resp. is still being done. These fragments of nature have therefore a specific past and most importantly function in the given locations. To highlight their status and highlight the need for nature conservation, both sites have been revitalized, thus gaining a new purpose in the context of linking sport to nature. The project has shifted the boundary between nature and urban use of both sites and has combined nature with functionality. Under functionalism, we mean the use of the forest park in Veľké Úľany as an area for riding and sports, while preserving the nature. The functionality of the park in the city of Jánossomorja is determined by the combination of park functions with premises for sports and playing area for children. In the context of better use of natural heritage, the project also had implemented activities aimed at identifying the local nature and raising the awareness of citizens, especially children, about the need for its protection. Overall, the project included investment and social activities that promoted better use of natural heritage in medium-sized rural agglomeration units.


Results of the project

The project has created a new model for better use of the cultural and natural heritage of two territorial units, which is linked to sport, tourism, promotion and protection of the natural heritage. This model is the essential and most important output of the project. This output supports the existing partnership of local self-governments. At the same time, the project helped establish partnerships between elementary schools, as children formed an important part of the target group and created also the content of some activities.

From the direct outputs point of view we can highlight the revitalization of two natural areas. The first is the forest park with a riding complex located in Veľké Úľany. The second is a park on St. Štefan Street in the town of Jánossomorja. These parks have undergone a complete revitalization and completion of the natural function with sport and social function. Another output was the realization of social activities for children - The nature school on the Slovak side and The nature-sports Olympics on the Hungarian side. These activities provided for children new relationship with the nature, which has led children to roots. Another output is increased support for nature conservation. Within the activities a Manual on how to behave in nature and a Herbarium were issued and a competition “Tree of our life” was organized. Another output was the organization of a sport´s event - riding competitions, which attracted participants to sport and to practicing sport in nature. 

The results of the project can be recorded in the growth of the common awareness of the citizens of both municipalities to nature. New spaces for tourism have also been created thanks to the project.