Communication is an important part of the project. It provides information to the public about the project realization and support from the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Programme. Within the communication, various means have been chosen for spreading information about project, its results, aims and events. Following communication tools were used during project implementation:
- Press conferences – realized on 21.12.2017 in Veľké Úľany and on 27.03.2018 in Jánossomorja
- Public event – Opening conference – realized on 31.01.2018 in Veľké Úľany
- Public event – Closing conference – realized on 07.11.2018 in Jánossomorja
- Website of the project
- Posters about project – issued in the number of 100 pcs on each side of the border and in the appropriate language version
- Billboard – located in the riding area in Veľké Úľany
- Permanent boards – 2 permanent boards located in both municipalities
- Promotional materials – T-shirts, cups, wooden spoons, key chains
- Paid advertising in regional newspaper (press release) – 2 advertising on each side of the border in regional newspaper
- Brochure – contains informations about project and its results; its issued in two languages – Slovak and Hungarian
These tools will helped to promote the project and its programme. All of them were supplied with the logo of the 'Programme Interreg V-A SK-HU' and other elements of the compulsory publicity.